June 1, 2023

The Cherry Blossom Family Sessions

The first Cherry Blossom Sessions were held on an absolutely perfect evening in early May. The photos turned out so beautifully and I would love to share some of my favorite shots with you!

The blossoms are known for their fleeting beauty of perfect blooms. They burst onto the scene, give us a few days of intense perfection, and then fade away and become like any other tree. It’s a wonder to witness.

To me, there is something so precious about these photos knowing that we are catching the perfect moment in time. We are able to pause something that’s meant to appear and disappear, change and grow. Sure, the blossoms will be back next year. We’ll all be a year older– your pregnant belly will turn into a baby you’re holding, or your toddler will turn into a little kid, or your kid will turn into a teenager. Time will continue to move forward. That’s obviously a beautiful thing, but it’s also beautiful to have the ‘right-now’ moments preserved.

I hope you take some time to enjoy the parts of your life that are beautiful right now.

There will absolutely be more Cherry Blossom Sessions in 2024! To learn more about my family sessions, visit my website or get in touch.

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